I'm getting an error when I turn the large deflections button in the solution "ON". (the error says "large deformation effects are not valid for the current analysis")
Since I'm performing a buckling analysis, it seems necessary to have this button on. Has anyone worked with this sort of...
if i use 'given displacements', i can set 2 of the 3 axes to be zero, and let the third axis (along which buckling occurs) stay free to move. however, non-zero given displacements are not allowed in a buckling analysis.
is there some way to get around this? or a different type of support to...
simple question from a new user of workbench 9.0:
i have a beam i want to put in compression, with ends free to rotate as the beam curves (buckles) in compression. i think this should be 'simply supported'.
but the 'simply supported' button is grey when 'environment' is highlighted in the...