Thanks Castera
The shiploader is 22 year old....the resistor banks are shorted by time delays in the (upgraded 2000) modern PLC.
I do not know what Opotor is/are.
If U have any suggestions on the resistor shorting - I am all ears.
The shiploader has a shuttle section > hence, the winch (and...
Hi Mark
re yr earlier reply
The torque maximum is determined by the resistance, reactance and the frequency of the rotor current. If the rotor is being driven backwards at a speed equal to the synchronous speed, then the rotor current will be twice the line frequency. The values of the...
Dear Mark
Thanks again vm for yr comments.
To me, the FAST luff down set up with the resistors in series and been shorted out except for the last one is pointless and should be abandoned - based on yr info, the motor would go to overspeed to suit the torque charactrerics and then slow down a...
Hi Mark
Thanks for the comments.
As I understand it...more resistance moves the peak/max torque point further away from the syn speed ie to the left and closer to zero rpm.
However, ion our case we start UP with 4 resistors in stage and PLUG down (ie weak UP) with 5 resistors in stage > what...
We have a GEC / TECO (made by TECO) WR motor...160kW, 6 pole, 450M frame size.
Duty is shiploader luffing winch.
The motor is about 20 yo.
We have had some incident regarding the luff controls and am looking to change the way that it operators to reduce the risks.
The WR motor rotor can...