I'm using Neplan ver 5.2.0. I made a little network to calculate Load-flow and short cicuit values.Can Anybody tell me how if there is a way to obtain a table with all Data input, maybe importable in a Excel worksheet?
Thanx for help
Maybe I did not explain myself.The problem is not to see the results, but the way the results are shown.
I want to see The LINE voltage (Tensione concatenata) but Neplan shows me the Phase voltage (Tensione di fase x ogni fase).
I followed your suggestion but nothing happened.
I re-drawed the...
Hello every one. I am an electrical engineer, and a newbie using Neplan.
I made a little Network and want to calculate the LOAD FLOW.
When I calculate the LOAD FLOW there is no error, but viewing the results Neplan shows me the PHASE Voltage, instead of LINE Voltage. How can I tell it to show me...