I have a recent issue printing large assembly drawings (20-30 sheets) to an HP OfficeJet Pro 7740 printer. Has anyone else experienced a similar issue, and is there a known fix?
Unfortunately, most companies I have seen over the years only perpetuate this with their mode of climbing the ladder. If you do CAD, you are labeled as "The CAD Guy", and that's where you will stay. Far too many companies are just a bastion of backstabbers waiting to climb the ladder by any...
Most Manufacturing Engineers in my geographic region seem to be sought after by the many online ads out there, but many are biomedical and always stipulate "prior medical manufacturing experience required" so remain vacant. Even the non-medical companies around here seem to be putting out ghost...
Exactly why leaving a bad company with no notice sometimes makes good sense. I have never worked for a company that gave me two-weeks notice before showing me the door. Why should I do bad actors any favors? Burning bridges is never advised, but there are some where I am happy the bridge is gone.
Nope. Some of mine have just come from standing up for myself whenever management goes off the rails with stupidity. I put up with bullying and BS from no one. Before forming the wrong opinion about me, allow me to explain: I am in every day to do my job to the utmost quality. Unfortunately...
Unfortunately, I have seen that a time or two also. It always makes me wonder how "management" does not realize that jerking engineers from one project to the other in quick succession inevitably leads to more mistakes and errors.
Business ethics are tricky sometimes. I am like you and do not want to do anyone wrong. However, there is not much you can do to tip-toe around this one. My recommendation would be to mention to your old boss in an email or text message that you are stepping out on your own. I would not mention...
That is me at my present place. I am it, so I make the rules, which were basically nonexistent before I got here two years ago. Trouble is the legacy data is atrocious, even drawings and models we are currently producing parts and assemblies to. I find myself in constant cleanup mode. We have no...
IRstuff, that always sounds good in theory, but it never stops others from stomping their feet and screaming. This, by the way, was forgotten to be mentioned in the interview. How convenient..
I don't necessarily see the problem with the practice of saving subassemblies in separate file folders on the network drive from the detail components and/or top level assembly files. SolidWorks is intelligent enough to know where to look to update the necessary files. Pack n Go function grabs...
Only one place in all my years had a formal checking department. I was a drawing/design checker there for a while. That is a major part of why it drives me nuts these days the laziness/sloppiness I witness everywhere.
A couple places I worked bought into the CAD is easy to learn philosophy and brought shop floor production workers into engineering to learn the ropes. I am highly suspicious of plans like that because I am well aware those production guys are not getting paid anything near my salary, so I don't...
Just me, or does anyone else go to work for companies where the previous engineers and/or CAD jockeys were either total novices with SolidWorks or just careless with their modeling/drawing/file saving conventions? Seems like everywhere I go, I spend a good amount of time repairing model files...
It looks like you have a good resume for a first job. Have you done "real engineering"? That is a subjective term. Where do you go from here? If I am a hiring manager looking at your resume, I see a lot that pertains to Industrial Engineering and Electrical Engineering. I am also thinking your...
You nailed the exact reason I do not relocate for a job. What are the chances they get me out to the middle of BFE and the new company dumps on me even worse than I had it before? Probably good chances these days since all company owners and HR idiots seem to share "trade secrets".
Exactly why I have wondered for a long time why there is no professional union for engineers. I have worked in some union shops, where the hourly employees were protected by their union, all while the white collar staff was beat up daily and stressed for their jobs.
I know a couple trade electricians in my state who could not find enough work. One left the local electrician's union and took a private sector job. The other moved west for work. Doesn't seem promising from what I have seen.