Thanks for the help.
the semicolon did get rid of the extra <cr>, but the keys still remain in the down state.
is there a chr$ value to release a key press?
or a command to reset the keyboard bios?
Who would have thought it was so hard to send four keystrokes out the rs232?
I have had such bad luck with VB that I actually went back to QBASIC.
here is the code I an using.
10 OPEN "COM1:9600,N,8,1,CS,DS,RS" FOR RANDOM AS #1
20 PRINT #1, CHR$(176) + CHR$(176) + CHR$(214) + CHR$(27)
30 END
chr$(176) is num lock ( using this instead of scroll lock)
chr$(214) is...
I have VB 6.0 I haven't programmed in 10 years
I know this is not hard, but I just am having an awful time.
All I need to do is send the following out the rs232 (com 1)
scrlck scrlck uparrow esc
can someone send me source code on how to do this?
I feel stupid, but I just can't make it work...