I had a question about capacitor.
In a short circuit, the capacitor contribution with current to the fault???
I said not but really a dont know exactly??
i check the program of arcadvisor anh it is very interesting but i have more question about this topic:
sometimes in the shorcircuit study in low voltage( 480 v, 208 v) the level of ampacity in the ground fault is biggest than the 3 phases fault ( when the system hasn´t motor) i...
I download the easy power guide of arc flasing but i have some question about this :
1 whats is it means this standars?? i know this calculate the power of short circuit and you give a warning to the personal that is all??
2 when this studied do you do??? do you do in all short...
I´m began with the study of arc flasing, but need information about the ieee 1584-2002 and NFPA 70C
someone could help with that documents (if send me the ieee 1584-2002 i will be very happy) or any information about this topic (arc flasing)??
best regards