I try to estimate the possible flowrate of oil in a return pipe (pressureless) taking into account the viscosity, type of pipe,filling of the pipe. For water I use formula of Bazin. For oil I have no idea how to calculate.
can you help me with this?
Thank you for the helpful information,
In our application it also concerns a pump, however critical in a cooling process for production.
If we have budget to put new engines, I think replacing them gives us the minimum risk. On the other hand Each pump is double to avoid production problems in...
Thanks for your answer,
What exactly is a motor reactor and the "bearing EDM isue"?
Do you have any idea how I can determine the cooling needed for this problem?
We have an application in which an old motor will be foreseen of a VSD control. Local consultants say we have to put another motor because it cannot be cooled sufficiently at lower speed (<50hz). Is that true, or can we put extra cooling to the motors at low speed; in case yes, how is that...
I'm looking for the best bearings for an evaporator working with Nitric acid. It seems the best bearings are nitrogen cooled for this application. Has anyone some information on this topic?