Another way of doing this with high quality is to plot the drawing to an EPS-file (Encapsulated PostScript).
And then import it into your Word document. Linetypes are all as you want them to and it's not rough as it can be if you save it as an image.
You got to have a printer that...
Thanks! Getting me in the right direction here! :)
I think the EndOpen event is an application event in 2k. And as I beginning to understand it one has to initialize the event handler as a class module, before any event will be recognized. But how to run the event initialization? I mean...
I have tried to change the buttons on the mouse in R14 a lot but hasn't yet come up with any solution on how to get it to work. Not the reply you wanted I guess, but better than nothing.. :)
If anyone out there has managed to change the functions on the mouse I would appreciate it too...
Well... maybe I wasn't specific enough :)
Problem is I don't know how to get the event EndOpen to trigger. Once that is done I don't think I will have a problem with loading the LISP :)
And thank you for mentioning that it will only work in 2000. Do you or does someone have a clue how to get...
Hi you all
I would like to post this question:
How could I load a certain LISP when I open a certain Template? I'm thinking of embedding a VBA macro in that template. The VBA macro would then trigger on EndOpen and load the LISP. But I can't seem to get it to work! Does anyone out there have a...