I'm a non-engineer looking for some guidance-- Will be building a bridge to my house over a creek, and am wondering if a deck made of pressure-treated 4x6's or 4x8's would be able to handle the weight of delivery trucks? They would be over 4 large steel beams with 6" flanges. The beams...
Building a bridge for my driveway, 30' x 10' concrete over steel beams. Deck will be 8" thick. Is 1 grid of #5 rebar sufficient, or will I need 2? If 2, how far into the concrete should they be? Thanks for any advice!
I'm about to take my first stab at pouring a footer about 2-1/2 ft below the water table. And as always, I don't really know what I'm doing. Can anybody offer helpful advice?
1) I understand that concrete will harden under water, but does that reduce its strength? would it help to line the...
I need to pour a concrete wall 13' high x 12' long x 2' thick. Is it possible to build a wooden form for this, or is that too much pressure? I have built forms for 8' high walls nut never anything this big.