It is at the request of the usa luge team that the tecnology be hidden. I understand that most of the officials in the sport are from other countries and can pass around sled information. Cheating is however happens allot in the luge world. It is claimed that the 2002 gold medalist for mens...
I am involved in a volunteer project developing a luge sled for the 2006 olympics and am wondering if anyone has some imformation on ceramic coatings that could be used on the runners of a luge sled to reduce the friction of the runners with the ice, The budget for this project is 30,000 dollars...
I have been approached by a member of a national luge team and he is interested in exploring differant materials to make his runners out of. The date gathered was that the runners of the sled cool down 4-7 degrees down the track. The pressure on the sled varies from 0-7 g's and in the high...