H-clips are required for panel edge supp)orts (OSB or Plywood).
In Canada, H-Clips should be spaced:
One at midpoint for supports upt to 600 mm
Two at 1/3 points for suports 601 to 1000 mm on centre
Three at 1/4 points for supprts more than 1000 mm on centre
I've heard about a...
You're right about that FalsePrecision...however here on the Wet Coast of British Columbia many builders have been forced to replace all of their rotting OSB with Plywood in the leaky condo crisis of the late 90's. Specification in the Code, Certified by APA or not doesn't always cover your butt!
OSB has a much longer wet and dry cycle, once it DOES get started and swells it will never comeback to its original form.
Here it the link to comparative data on plwood and osb:
I agree with you Ron, both products are viable but in the long run plywood is the best choice.
Comparative product data on Plywood and OSB can be found at CanPly's website. There are engineering values for both plywood and osb on axial compression, planar shear, bending and tension and...