Normall, I wouldn't expect more then 4 years lifetime for the SANICRO 31HT pipes; once I could cover them with chromium oxide, in order to make them last longer, but my provider found out that he could use his high temperature furnaces for something more profitble, so ...
As the furnaces I'm repairing work both in carburizing atmosphere and air, it's difficult to thay which prevails - dusting or sooting; normally, I'm using W 1.4841 if I'm expacting good mechanical strength, W 1.4828 if I don't want to have SIGMA status and, lately, SANICRO 31HT from SANDVIK, a...
What will be the life shortage if I'm using 253MA instead of 353MA (both AVESTA steel) when making muffles for carburising pit furnaces (average temperature 930 degrees C and 1,25% C level)?
thanks, Cristian