Ok phase to phase voltages after breaker are equal at 580 volts. Just to note that this motor is direct start, so in reading other posts I think I should have wired in Delta (T1&T6 TO L1, T2&T4 TO L2, T3&T5 TO L3). Does this make sense? Or does it really matter?
Bearings went on old motor, pump is only about a month old,and spins freely. These motors run on average 20 hours per day,constantly stopping and starting, so a 6 year life span is exceptional. Pressure and flow has stayed the same. I will check for phase to phase balancing and post results.
Sorry, the voltages I measured are phase to ground. Phase to phase voltage is 600 volts, and yes I am in Canada running a 600 volt SCR system. this being said, is my wiring of the motor incorrect? The motor has an auto-reset overload, but obviously must have failed.
I recently purchased a new motor for a fluid pump application to replace a 6 year old motor. All of my motors here are 3 phase and all simply have 3 leads coming from the motor. This new motor has 6 leads T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6. When I asked my supplier how it should be wired, he told me to wire T4...