Thank you very much Mark for your reply. It answered all the questions I had :)
I just want to apologize if it seemed like I was saying it was an easy task to do. I know that collision is not the easiest thing to program (I made a little screen saver in C++ with "planets" that collided and the...
I am talking about preventing interference in a mechanism. I know that there is an option to "highlight" interfering/colliding parts and to stop the playback if desired. However, that's not what I am looking for, I want to make use of the collision of 2 parts! Basically what I am wondering is if...
thanks for the suggestion, but that's not really what I am looking for. I am more looking for an option that totally prevents bodies from interfering. Does it not exist at all or what? because I haven't been able to find anything on the net. It seems like such a basic thing to do...objects...
I am learning how to use pro/e. I am using some tutorials and on one of the tutorials that shows how to connect parts a pair of mole grips is used. Evrthng is going fine but then when I was done I noticed that the parts "crossed" over each other. Is there anyway to tell pro/e to prevent...