The piece is indeed a pressure retaining component, plugs. I take it by this that A 276 can only be used in a structural application. Does anyone know the reason? What is A 276's mode of failure? I want to make sure I don't misuse it.
I think you've probably gotten all the feedback you need, but I'll just add my two cents since I've done this quite often:
1) Don't do it this way if you're trying to keep solids suspended. Use individual lines if you are. At the very least, make sure you always have the required...
Does anyone have any experience using A 276, 316 SS as a vessel component. We are fabricating a piece of our vessel from bar stock, but the ASME II tables have no information (that I've found) for A 276. We're using it at 1200 F and 4500 psi.
Any experience? References?
I have a question along the same line. We are cutting a plug for a vessel out of A-276 bar stock (316 SS), yet I can't find its allowable (or even yield) stresses in the ASME II tables. We're using it at 1200 F. Does anyone have any data on this? If so, from where?
Any direction is...