thanks again, I have found a very good publication by the ICE titled "structural appraisal of iron framed textile mills" which has details on jack arch floor and how to calculate load capacity.
Will try and obtain and review the book you quote
We are looking at carrying out a mill conversion and wondered if anyone knew how we could assess the load carrying capacity of the brick arch floors without doing insitu load tests?
according to UK Building Regs. Building over 5 storeys must be designed for disproportinate collapse. We are designing a 5 storey structure ( 1 is basement) but are thinking of designing the basement as contiguous piled wall with transfer deck and load bearing masonary above. Because we have 4...
Thanks for the tip. got the ACI documents (eventually - because our Admin staff wouldn't open the post as it came from America and waited until I returned from the States) and they contained just what I was looking for. Certainly will make life easier.
Hi Qshake, This is a circular pad foundation for a 40m high lighting mast, with large overturning moment, shear and a small axial load. Any help would be appreciated but in the meantime will check out Bousinessq. Must find those old collage notes!!!