If an open 55 Gallon drum is considered a vapor source and requires Class 1 Division 1 equipment, what options are available for heating this material?
I have an electic band heater rated Class 1 Division 2.
Ideally, I'd like to be able to control the temperature during our process while...
So, In general Division 1 ignition sources have extra explosion proof measures than Division 2 sources? Or are they equally explosion proof, but the presence of a heating element (higher max surface temp) catergorizes my device as Division 2?
With regards to hazardous area Class 1 Division 1 and Class 1 Division 2, I could use some clarification.
I understand that the areas are classified based on the liklihood of a hazardous environment and I understand how the areas are determined to be the appropriate Class / Divison.
I am...