Thank Guys, I ran this gappex on Fri. and it ran fine in the normal mode never once did I put it in the bypass mode which make me believe that you may be right DickDV this problem could be intermittance. Out of 8 VFDs #7 the only one stopping the Sorter. we change out the VFD and the #7 motor also.
Thank Ed
I am still working with it, I connected a recorder to it and recored it this is a 3 wire 3 phase I recorded max peak and Vab 746, Vbc 756, Vca 1.34 what could you make of this.
Thank jraef
I went throught that, but its a little bit more than that I understand OSF is an over voltage fault, and this is on an gappex with 8 small belt and its only doing it on the #7 belt and when it happen it shut down the sorter.