heres a few more clarifications:
- part time is always an option, but a partially full scholarship may be available to attain this ms degree on a fulltime basis only. this is why this decision is hard. if im given an opportunity to get this degree pretty much free at a good school, i will feel...
thnx for the responses so far...
-bioengr82: ur response is one that i have been hearing alot from some coworkers. and i truely understand that prof. experience in civil seems to dominate academics.
my need for a masters is merely on my need to learn more about my current job position which im...
How valuable is a masters degree in civil/envr. engineering? This may seem like an obvious question to some of you, but I have received mixed views/advice on the issue.
To make the question more specific...Would taking 1-2 yrs off professional experience to attain a masters degree, be worth...
thank you all for your input!
disclaimer: i am not the one pending this lawsuit, but would somehow be involved as a witness of some sort. :)
after reading all this information from both NSPE and our regional board; i am factoring the total financial input involved in the whole...
Does anyone have literature on liabilities posed against PEs in terms of the following:
- using past clientele and client information from previous firm at a new firm.
- working as a private consultant while employed at a firm
Any ideas or comments....thank you!
in method 4 i have set my 'target WS change' at the state's regulated increase of 0.2ft. After running the program with the 100 yr storm elevation, my water level has increased beyond the target WS change of 0.2 at a some stations.
I am not understanding why this is happening? Isn't that...
hmm.. using the CN of the gravel within the storage area doesn't seem right, since thats about 70-80..
and im sure DEP will accept a CN that high!LOL
.. but whats the point of using porous asphalt if your CN is similar to that of regular asphalt!!
..from the actual performance of porous asphalt...
Does anyone know the CN used for porous paving.
Since the material is made of asphalt but behaves similarly to sandy soil, the determination of its CN is difficult to calculate.
Are there any formulas...
..or whats your best approach when designing porous paving systems under state regs for...