What can't you do with ProSteel that you want Tekla or SDS/2 to do? I'm interested in this in particular for bridge elements. Anyway, ProSteel does 3D, IFC-compliant detailing models, what are you expecting from "BIM" that it can't do?
Carlson's newer software is pretty slick. However, if you want to do highway work, you're going to need Bentley. 3D models are rapidly becoming standard deliverables, and with the prevalence of Trimble in the machine control market, Bentley i-Models of OpenRoads format data is likely to be...
You need to identify the direction that water is flowing, which isn't perpendicular to your bridge. Your bridge is skew. Align your ineffective flow areas to the skew angle. I would consider the water flow to be oriented at something like your left 22.5-deg expansion limit, and would rotate the...
The software is the software, is it a student license? And was a student license previously installed on the workstation AND are you opening a file that was created or saved in a student version of the software?
It looks like the main one is that you can't do worksets. If you're a stand alone user, it won't matter. If you need five people developing the model concurrently, it's a deal-breaker. Other things don't seem to matter as much... reinforcement/trusses may be a deal-breaker as well if you're...
You are opening it with the "as AutoCAD" profile. You need to edit that part out of the shortcut you're clicking on. Alternately, you can browse to the right profile in the Start Menu and turn that into a desktop shortcut...
Does a 7500 sq ft lot require a permit? I would start with the Patterson, NJ city storm water ordinance... unless they're big enough to have a manual. I don't imagine you'd need to do much more than capture downspouts and maybe outlet to a rain garden on a lot that size.
BIM is a goal-oriented process, not a product or a model. What are your aims for BIM? Is it to make Revit content for their clients? If so, that's fairly straightforward.
Try the AUGI forums. I don't see why, AutoCAD is so bloated to maintain backwards compatibility. Few commands have been retired, but if your LISP routine called one, then it would go bang I suppose. Why don't you download a one month trial version and test everything? I'd take my own word over...
HEC-RAS is a one-dimensional model and divides the flow into left overbank, channel, and right overbank flow areas. It computes a friction value for each of the three, distributes the water to get equivalent WSE (IIRC) and then outputs a WSE for the cross-section. Something in the balance...
If your project is funded, then you have to look at all the potential issues that could affect their investment. Hardware failure, data loss, you becoming sick or worse, those are all loss events. There is also the potential that someone else is researching the same thing as you in parallel and...
Read HEC-18. http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/engineering/hydraulics/pubs/hif12003.pdf
HEC-RAS evaluates the worst-case scour considering erodible material. States typically have regulations regarding how to evaluate scour and ensuring that scour protection is in place to the determined depth. Scour is...
I use Excel. We work in a team of 4 people or less, and don't need anything fancy. We all get together and talk and track milestones once a week. It takes 15 min or less, we update the spreadsheet and carry on.
I'm not sure that your method is not "traditional." Software applications like SWMM which would usually be used for this nowadays haven't been accessible for very long. You seem to have come up with a few scenarios, but my primary question relates to Tc and how many alternatives you considered...
Considering that a typical channel floods its banks in a 2-yr recurrence storm event, there is enough flow on the right overbank for the skew to be considerable. There is also the constriction on the left bank at the bridge which will shift flow across and cause even more head loss on the...