Hi HD109,
There is one term that you are probably familiar with, from dealing with steam, saturated.
The refrigerant in the refrigeration cycle is saturated in the condenser and the evaporator.
In the evaporator, once all of the liquid has been boiled off to a vapor at its saturation temperature...
Hi Tmoritz,
The vapor lines should be pitched in the direction of flow, to aid in oil return.
What is the length of the line-set before the move?
What is the OD of the liquid line and suction line?
What type of refrigerant does your system use?
Is this a heat pump or cooling only?
These are all...
Hi scottlsu,
Why are you focused on the fan as the problem?
Do you know that none of the VAV manufacturers make system powered VAV boxes anymore? They don't because the system powered boxes don't work. The fan cycles off because of Time of Day (TOD) and restarts the next day, there is not enough...