I am looking for some software, ideally free and internet based, to help our internal sales guys determine what a chemical is in english given the chemical symbol.
I have had a good look out there but cannot seem to find what I am looking for. It has to be bourne in mind that some of these guys...
The seal manufacturer says it is phenolic resin. They will not reveal the exact composition.
Another thought on the problem on the seal faces is that the surface tension on DI water will be lower than regular water. This will provide a less efficient fluid flim.
The investigation continues.......
I have also asked a similar question in the chemical process engineering forum see http://www.eng-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=136047&page=1 for the thread.
Many thanks for your responses. The puzzle of corrosion vs erosion was that the non contacting parts of the rotors did not appear to be affected, however I accept that if the minerals are stripped from the surface this would certainly weaken the surface causing wear.
I can see the how the...
I know from practical experience of mono pump rotors that DI and DM water is a poor lubricant, when compared with regular water. It also provides poor lubrication to mechanical seal faces, causing less than expected seal life.
I have searched all over the place for some science to back up these...
I know from practical experience of mono pump rotors that DI and DM water is a poor lubricant, when compared with regular water. It also provides poor lubrication to mechanical seal faces, causing less than expected seal life.
I have searched all over the place for some science to back up these...
We use magnetic face seals in place of lip seals on a wide variety of applications, usually on pumps but alos gearboxes and other equipment. The only factor limiting the speed of operation is the heat generated and this cokes (carbonises)the oil.
I am looking for information on what the coking...