You asked: What were you able to do with ACAD that you can't do with the measure tool (Tools->Measure)?
In answer: The ability to do quick linear, aligned, and diameter dimensions from a variety of snap points. When I try to use the measure tool, the number of snap points...
Thanks for the recommendations, guys.
No, we don't have SW Office. Is this the best and/or only way to do a check?
We would really like to be able to check individual dimensions. For example, a 0.03mm difference in the length dimension could be critical, and it would be important that we...
I work for a very small plastic parts manufacturer, and we've recently started working in Solidworks 2005, whereas primarily we've been doing 2D AutoCad. We've started sending our 3D Solidworks files off to mould shops in the Far East, and they will typically make a few changes to them, and...