Simple question, but I can't seem to find the answer to it.
What is the definition of demand? I believe that it is the "average" power used over a user defined period of time (i.e., KWh/hours). Also, I have seen the term "peak demand" which I understand to be the maximum power consumed over...
I am interfacing Power meters to the system, monitoring Watts, Vars, VA, PF, etc. Therefore, the PTs and CTs are primarily for instrumentation. Unfortunately, I don't often get to look at the wiring diagrams of the systems that the meters are going into, so I don't know what else is...
Hello Fellow members,
I have a limited knowledge of transformer wiring configurations as they are applied in the field. However, I have run into some some situations that require 3 Phase power with 120V L-L/69V L-N voltages.
I would like to know, are there any "typical" applications that...
I have a very basic question about transfer swtiches. Do most/all transfer switches have a sensing mechanism that makes sure the "incoming" voltage is at the same frequency & in phase with the "running" voltage before the switch occurs? I have seen Synchroscopes which show if the running is...