>This form which is introduced in most text books is often termed "Ideal".
> For example, even the web site suggested by you
> -http://www.expertune.com/artCE87.html refers to this form as "Ideal".
Looking at the page on expertune, I would have to take issue with the...
I do not know what is meant by the "Ideal" form.
In the time domain, the parallel form is the simplest:
output = Kp x ( e + Ki x Integral( e dt) + Kd x de/dt)
where Kp is proportional gain, Ki is reset rate in repeats per minute, and Kd is derivative in minutes.
The series form...
Thus ask dinjag:
>With digital control technology, several different variants of PID
>algorithms have proliferated. Is there any reference (book, article or website) where >these algorithms have been compiled?
You might check my web site, http://www.jashaw.com/pid
I have a tutorial on the PID...