Thank you for your reply Higgler.
I'm just working on boresight by the moment.
Maybe, there's something with the condition number of the matrix. I've seen that the variations in this number along the frequency have influence in the final TE reflection result. I'll keep working on it.
Hi all,
I also work with MoM and always since I began, I've used FORTRAN. Matlab is ok for small problems. At least that's what I've always heard because I've never tried myself to do a test between both languages. Anyway, FORTRAN is ok.
Taksim, could you send me the paper you metioned? I'll see...
Thank you, Higgler,
You're right, those are some of the applications for the FSS's. What I am doing is a code to analyse them and when the element is a square or a symmetrical cross, and the unit cell is square, I should get the same reflection coefficient for both TE and TM polarization, but I...