hi siretb,
thanks for your help.
i know the LSI index. if u follow the exact logic of it, u will c that there is no meaning for the value of it, the only thing that is importance is weather it is greater than zero, or less than zero. this is also mentioned by langelier himselv in the article...
i research the corrosion of potable water distribution systems. i know that calcium carbonate precipitation potential (CCPP) is used to control the corrosion.
i am interested in recomandations for values of this index (the CCPP)if u can give me references of the recomendations i will b really...
i will look at this book. thogh i already have some AWWA recommendations and therefore i would like to have recommendations from other sources, maybe other countries... but thanks anyway.
I am interested in knowing the recommended values of calcium carbonate precipitation potential (CCPP) for a good scale forming on the water distribution system. I am especially interested in the correlation between CCPP and red water occurrence. I need the references of the recommendations, if...