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  1. OutToLunch

    PTC thermistors

    yes, I've searched through those sources. I'm thinking I will have to find some other route. The problem is it has to be as cheap as possible - customers won't want to implement this if it is too expensive. The PTC would be used as a direct replacement for a resistor in the analog system loop.
  2. OutToLunch

    PTC thermistors

    Does anyone have a source for surface mount PTC thermistors? Specifically, I am looking for a thermistor that would have a room temperature value in the 10k to 30k range and a 0.4%/*C or higher slope. The only supplier I found that had PTCs with that high of a resistance was a place called...
  3. OutToLunch

    Current limiting using MOSFET

    drive the FET gate with the output of an op-amp. tie the source of the FET to the inverting input of the op amp. apply a voltage to the non-inverting input of the op-amp which is equal to the current desired divided by the load resistor value.
  4. OutToLunch

    Inductor Nightmares

    first, go to the micrometals website and download the inductor design software: http://www.micrometals.com/software_index.html if you go the toroidal route, you'll likely have to go bi or tri-filar. Order the cores and some wire to make your own prototypes. Next, call Falco Electronics, their...
  5. OutToLunch

    spice simulation usefull or not

    I can't speak for all datasheets - you're right, there are some poor ones out there. I can speak about the datasheets that I write - I do my best to describe how every feature works and how to implement those features properly. Regarding the spec tables - there are gives and takes. We need to...
  6. OutToLunch

    spice simulation usefull or not

    I work as an apps engineer for an IC mfg company. Many of our parts have a lot of complex features. There is no way that I could spend the time necessary to create a spice model for each of the parts that I am responsible for - that would end up being my job - no thank you. Even so, we are...
  7. OutToLunch

    battery life

    the battery capacity did not double, the voltage did. The same amount of current will be drawn from each battery so the amp-hour rating will not change. If you put them in parallel, then the amount of current drawn from each battery is halved for the same load, effectively doubling the amp-hour...
  8. OutToLunch

    SOT Identification

    I can usually find what I'm looking for at this site, but it doesn't look like "ASG" is listed... http://www.tkb-4u.com/code/smdcode/indexsmdcode.php
  9. OutToLunch

    The Cycle of Global Warming

    "fines-taxation whats the differece ??" Are you serious? Perhaps what would make you happy is for the government to seize 100% of everyones income and then only hand it back to us in the form of "tax breaks" for good behavior... TaxMan: "Well, let's see Beav, you only got caught speeding once...
  10. OutToLunch

    The Cycle of Global Warming

    "You say government should not tax behavior. In this case should we allow all polution?? Put strict limits, in which case the business is closed if a violation is discovered." it's amazing how you can link taxation with pollution or whatever your current cause is. Why does it have to be done...
  11. OutToLunch

    The Cycle of Global Warming

    "Any system of taxation does alter the behavior of those being taxed, whether you like it or not. Even no taxation does (everybody comes to live in your country)." You are generalizing too much - the discussion was centered around taxing specific products or services tailored to alter one...
  12. OutToLunch

    The Cycle of Global Warming

    "...altering the market equation for goods and services for the public benefit via taxation and regulation IS a legitimate role of government." Wrong. Taxation should only be done to raise the proper amount of revenue for a government to function. It is NOT a legitimate role of government to...
  13. OutToLunch

    Do the calcs or not

    maybe you should introduce them to possible ramifications if something should fail or worse - someone gets hurt or killed.
  14. OutToLunch

    What sample rate to feedback output voltage in dc-dc converter

    here's an idea - you could convert the output voltage to an 8 bit (or however many bits you desire) digital signal and transfer those bits in parallel through opto couplers then put that through a D2A coverter and then back into your control loop.
  15. OutToLunch

    Just a saftey reminder.

    Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid...
  16. OutToLunch

    Advantages to dual-tap diodes

    If you are referring to dual packaged diodes that have either their anodes or their cathodes tied together, I use the former quite a lot in dual synch buck regulators for the boot diodes that are used to create drive for the upper FET gates. Takes a little less board space for one SOT23.
  17. OutToLunch

    Glass Half Full or Half Empty?

    This is just an interesting observation that has about zero relevance to ethics, but I couldn't really find a good place to post it. Anyway, I have noticed that I seem to be more of "The Glass is Half Empty" type of person and I was wondering if this is what drew me to engineering or if my...
  18. OutToLunch

    stating salary requirements

    I don't see how my salary history has any bearing on my salary negotiations with a prospective employer. Let's say that I'm a really really great engineer (which I am - I'm also not too modest either - haha). But let's say that due to some circumstances, I had to take an engineering job that...
  19. OutToLunch

    stating salary requirements

    I was once once in the interview process for a job that had the salary for the position posted in the classified ad that I responded to. Once they were interested in me they started asking for salary history and I refused. They couldn't believe that I wouldn't tell them what I was making at the...
  20. OutToLunch

    Interview tips for power supply design position (new Grad)

    You may also want to do a little research on some industry specific type of regulators such as the multiphase buck - these are used in a lot of modules, Artesyn probably makes some. Perhaps a basic knowlege of hysteretic regulation would be good. These kind of things might just be asked to see...