Hello, I'm not expert in TI DSP but
it looks like PLL does not lock or disabled.
Please try to check XPLLDIS signal upon reset(datsheet says PLL will be completly disabled) if it is
low then core will run at crystal frequency.
I do not know guys. Most tv sets and monitors work
10 and more years. And if tube was made by japanise or
close to them the tube is still ok. I would inspect
that small funny loking board attached to the tube
especialy trace of circuit board and solder joints.
Because TV operates at high...
Hello, I would recommend to at CYGNAL or SILABS (www.silabs.com). All mcu they make are INTEL 80C52 clones.
I did try one of them 11 pin device with 8kb flash and
256bytes ram. So I did turn internal clock to 24 -30Mhz
and was able to transmit and receive 115 kbaud manchester
(real data rate was...
Hello guys if some one need uninterrupted light source
based on any HID lamp such as sodium or metall halide
please look at so called high frequency ballasts, powerd by
a low voltage power line and in parrallel battery source 12VDC or 24VDC.
It is nothing more then switching power supplies.