The hose material is Tygon... PVC.
The corrosion is where the tubing meets the barb... minimally. The corrosion is more pronounced inside the barb fitting.
This fitting was oriented vertical to allow the system to drain. Inaddition there is always air flow through the fitting. The air flow is a...
The rouge is firmly attached. It won't wipe out. In one case there is pitting. One on the fittings was seize onto another.
The gas is filted. The gas is off gas from a oxygen transfer membrane. Bacially a hydrophobic filter with water on one side and gas on the other. The gas supplied to the...
I have a biotech system where we use 316L SS fittings in a off gas line. The line carries air that is at 37 degree C and is saturated with water vapor. As the air travels along the system the water vapor condenses... as expected. What I didn't expect was the rusting and pitting of some of my...