Hmm, I'm probably not getting this right, or I'm just tired.
When I aim for maximum power I get the largest power over time, in other words the "area under the curve". During this setup I also get the quickest acceleration.
But when I maximize torque, or force on the wheels, I get a...
Norm & crashbox:
Sounds reasonable. The simulation shows exactly that.
But then I did another one where I changed the fixed gear ratios for a CVT-type transmission and got the same results (with shorter acceleration-time of course). Maximum power is still the best choise. Why is that?
The relation is P=M*w, where P is power(W), M is torque (Nm) and w is revolutions (radians/sec).
My intuition tells me that maximizing torque should give you the fastest lap time, because the torque is what turns into force between the wheels and the ground. I did a computer simulation to find...