I'm moving a little slowly on this but...
I have 2 x fans on order now that will deliver 1200-1500 CFM @ 70" or so. Went with a pair because the startup and motor requirements are much, much less, and also a pair will hit 60" at a much lower flow rate then most large singles... Plus...
I also just found these because of your supercharger suggestion... Built by pro-charger, this is their industrial arm... It's totally procharger automotive superchargers in a box with a motor, drive and VFD. Neat and tidy too. I emailed them already.
Yea, the reason I'd...
Those venturi valves seem awesome until I got to the pressure range - .3 to 4" w.c. when I need 60 :) I didn't even think of Axial fans because I originally was really looking for a single fan to punch it up to that 60"-70" w.c. figure. I only thought of a pair when I was studying those...
Some day I could use a make up air heater for sure. That said, if we just let the shop heaters run full blast we can keep the temp over 50F so the error is really tiny compared to the ~15% we are off of sea level. There's correction factors that work well for naturally aspirated engines but they...
Off the top of my head perhaps 2 x HP-4C with 22" wheels in series on VFD's and then a large plenum to smooth airflow variences and a large spring loaded poppet valve may be the simplest (but least energy efficient?) way forward? Maybe I should design for 35" of head pressure per fan just...
Hi guys,
I am an ME and I run a business designing and engineering engine parts for VW / Audi cars. We have two dynomometers, an engine dyno (engine out of car) and chassis dyno (full car in a room)...
Long story short is we are located in Salt Lake City, Utah- with an atmospheric pressure...
Thanks for the suggestions. Even with it "one piece" the part still turns into an egg without the crank pin in there. My conclusion is that the big ends start to deform, the oil film gets pinched down near the cap / rod joint, and starts supporting the rod in those areas. What I ended up...
You would need to set a pressure drop across the inlet / outlet, then you could calculate the mass flow / volumetric flow. Make sure you set your wall roughness in the properties tab, especially if you have any narrow / high velocity flow passages, and check out your mesh carefully- consider...
Hi guys,
I'm working on a part - the big end of an automotive connecting rod - to be specific. The issue that I'm having is that currently, I am simulating with the rod, it's cap, two dowel pin sleeves for alignment, and a pair of bolts. I'm using no penetration contact between the rod and the...