I have a form that uses a wildcard search, the results of the search are places in a subform. But when Input a word into the search that isn't in the table, the search comes up blank. Heres the code
Private Sub refresh_Click()
Dim x As String
If IsNull(Me.find) Then
MsgBox "Please enter...
I got the search to work now, but now when I input a value that isn't in the table, the screen goes blank. Here's the code as it is now.
Private Sub SEARCH_Click()
Dim findLibSQL As String
If IsNull(Me.SEARCH_DES) Then
MsgBox "Please enter search criteria.", , "Natural Catalog"...
In Access, I have a form that uses a wildcard search but i can't seem to make it work.
Heres the code
Private Sub SEARCH_Click()
Dim findLibSQL As String
If IsNull(Me.SEARCH_DES) Then
MsgBox "Please enter search criteria.", , "Natural Catalog"
Exit Sub
End If
I have a form with a subform in it. And I try to put a command button in it, but when I put the form in form view, all that shows up is the query in the subform. How do I get the command button in the subform?
I have a form with a combo box with names of library's in it and a preview report button. I created a report to show all the library's with it's data. When I click the preview report button it shows all the data. And a message pops up "The expression On Click you entered as the event property...
I am having trouble with a form that I'm doing. I just started using Microsoft Access, so I don't know that much. So in my database I have a table with the fields: Library, Program Names, and Description. In the form you input a word or phase and it searches all the rows in Description, then...
Also when the screen goes blank, it is not an error. It just means there is no matches and the fields are blank. Im thinking I need "if description is null the message "there are no message" will come up", but i have no clue in how I should do this
Here is the the code to find the description in my form
Private Sub SEARCH_Click()
Private Sub cmdSearch_Click()
DoCmd.FindRecord , , acNext
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_SEARCH_Click
End Sub
In access i have the macro "requery", that searches for a program name using the description for that program name. The problem is that when you type in a word that cant be found in the description, the form goes blank. How can fix it so that a message comes up and says "there are no matches"?