I'm not sure exactly which factors to apply in determining the uplift load on a canopy attached to a retail building in accordance with UBC 97. Currently I am using a factor of 2.0. Which came from 2.3(overhangs, slope < 2:12) + 0.5 (canopies) - 0.8 (100sf trib. area) = 2.0 For 100mph wind I am...
I have thought about that. I don't have much experience with FRP. Can you get a large increase in a column's moment capacity with an FRP wrap? It was my understanding that this was mainly done to increase ductility for earthquakes.
I am looking for the best way to strengthen some existing concrete columns. I am working on an existing concrete piperack with 1'-10" square columns. New equipment will be added to the existing structure. The wind loads introduced by this new equipment are causing the bottom 4 ft of the columns...