I am investigating "new" odor control technologies to treat H2S (Odor source is H2S in a wastewater pumping station). I've come across two technologies that claim to be effective at using Ozone to oxidize (and thereby remove) H2S. One technology uses an "ion fog" and the other uses UV light to...
I am trying to design a fuel oil delivery system for severeal emergency generators to be installed at a water traetment plant.
Currently, I am in the process of checking the sizes of the fuel delivery lines in order to make sure that the headlosses are kept to a minimum.
I performed...
Thanks Bimr...the existing check valves are of the weighted hinge type. It is my understanding that this type of valve would help alleviate some of the system pressure by allowing some the flow to drain back into the wet well through the pump as the valve slowly closes. This seems to be in line...
Stainer- I could not find the Paper you spoke of on the piping designer's website...do you know excatly where I find it on the site?
Bimr- as far as I know there haven't been any problems with water hammers at the plant's pumping station. Perhaps the surge valve was suggested to me because...
Does anyone know when to use a surge relief valve?
I.e. what conditions call for one--> To clarify I am working on a pump station design retrofit. I'm trying to figure out whether or not I need to add a surge relief valve to the pump discharge header. It was suggested that I may need one on...
Thanks "guys"..I appreciate the feedback....The link was helpful and so were the comments in relation to noise (I hadnt even thought about noise issues). FYI: I talked to some HVAC guys who gave me velocity ranges similar to Bimr's.
Hello All:
I am trying to size some piping for an odor control system to be installed at a wastewater treatent plant. In trying to size the odor collection pipes (i.e.duct work) I turned to Metcalf and Eddy for some guidance on pipe sizing and velocity constraints. Although M&E provides some...