The approximate height of the stacks is not incompatible with the approx. 35-hz tone. There are several variables that confound a quickie analysis though, particularly since we don't have access to the site. Obvious variables are gas temperature, flow velocity, actual height of the stack(s)...
A situation exists wherein excessively high-power low frequency noise (35 Hz) is impacting residential neighborhoods well over 2.5 miles from the two blast furnaces believed to be the source. The primary hypothesis is that the noise is generated in the exhaust stacks which flare off the low btu...
Thanks for the info Madsplinter.
My intent had been to keep my old version of Digital Visual Fortran v5.0 -- which is licensed and works ok for my purposes. I just wanted to see if I could hook it up to a more current version of Visual Studio. But alas, that doesn't seem to be possible.
I am currently running Digital Visual Fortran V5.0 in a similarly elderly version of MS Visual (Developer's) Studio (ca. 1998). I also have a succession of newer versions of Visual Studio, through VS 2005. Is there any way to bring the old Fortran under the control of one of the newer versions...
Thanks for the offer but I've gone off on a slightly different tack for now. Even though the data is compromised, I want to use a reconstruction technique that has the best (theoretical) chance of replicating the data. I had given thought to the cubic spline -- but the signal is best...
In the process of collecting vibration data, a large component of one channel was clipped. The data was acquired on an analog recorder and has been subsequently digitized. (The analog tapes are still available.) The digitizer's sampling frequency was about 10-times that of the dominant waveform...
Probably the most important part of Mr. Machon,s response is " need to get an engineering check... ". If you have a condition that you are not completely comfortable with, now is the time to determine if it is safe or not. It will be worth the few hundred dollars to get a...
There should be several shareware and/or freeware programs available on the web. Simtel would be a good start. COGS (Computer Oriented Geological Society -- now inactive) had a few DOS programs in their package of free offerings. I know their package is available over the net through one of the...
Cannot help on the journal, but I use both MathCad and Microsoft Excel. The greatest amount of my work is done with Excel using both tables and charts for presentations in reports. MathCad is used when I need to give a full presentation for clients who need to look at the math involved.
The problems with swelling clays in Texas are sufficient to be noted in many foundation engineering text books -- so your concerns are probably well justified. Given that it is a regional problem you would do well to contact a local geotechnical consultant to review the plans, and if warranted...
The comment about using rock anchors was meant to be a means of placating those who might demand that you 'go by the book'. There would effectively be no difference between the rock anchors and dowels at the cold joint between the footer and the poured wall (or pier). Thus, if normal dowels are...
The criteria for for setting spread footings below the frost depth relates principally to development of ice lenses within frost succeptible soils. Three conditions are necessary for the formation of significant lenses: A ready supply of moisture; a soil with a relatively high capillary tension...
In the off-chance that you haven't considered this, when you take your measurements, be sure to look at the phase relationships between the different compressors. It may be that when the "workmen sometimes complain" there are two or more compressors that are causing "beats".
Emrich;<br><br>Yes. But attempting to find an explicit answer may be problematic. Some states have their own programs while others rely on the Feds to oversee local mining operations.<br><br>A good place to start your searching would be: <A HREF=""...
The short answer is it won't work. The long answer is related to the dissipation of pore-water pressures under dynamic loading. If you have experience in a soils lab, consider what happens when you run a Proctor Compaction Test. As the moisture content is increased towards optimum the degree of...
Several years ago I acquired an electromechanical vibrator (structural exciter) at a surplus sale. Unfortunately, it didn't come with any operating instructions or specifications. The nameplate has the following:<br>
Goodmans Vibrators, Ltd.<br>
Pye-Ling, Ltd.<br>...