Acoustic analysis works on vibration problems but not sure if it works on resonate too.
Anybody know if ABAQUS have any analyses dealing with resonate problem?
Thanks a lot.
I checked the log file and found that the connection is good and my code has some problems.
After correct my code of the user subrontine, CAE is running good. I got my problem solved.
when I try to run a user-defined load, I met follow problem:
I need use "DLOAD" user subrontine to define the non-uniform load.
I wrote the code in my user subroutine file(filmtest1.for), then saved it under current running path: c:\temp
At ABAQUS COMMAND window run:
thank you for the help.
I can import a part from odb to a new model. but, problem comes, the part from odb loses its property and all stress, strain, and other deformed information. why it happen? do you have some ideas about this problem?
thanks for your time.
Thank you for the reply.
I followed your suggestion to try to de-activate the tie condition in my problem, but try many commands all doesn't work. I tried *MODEL CHANGE,REMOVE,TYPE=TIE PAIR. and, follow this way tried many similar commands.
Do you know the right commands for tie...
In my problem, I have two part, I want to deform part1 then attach part1 to part2. In ABAQUS, I try to build up two steps, in step1 I try to apply a pressure to deform part1, then in step2 I want to define a constraint condition(tie) to attach part1 to part2.
The problem is: the constaint...