I built a window glass kiln with inside dimension of 12" high x 54" wdie x 88" long. 3 phase 28.5 KW
Materials used were fiber blanket on walls and roof. Firebrick on floor. Heating coils suspended by ceramic rods on roof only.
Problem is when firing small piece of...
Thank you.
1178 watts per row
220 volts is already available in our place.
I will use delta connection now because a lot of people are suggesting it also. Thank you
Am making a large kiln.
3 phase, 24.75 KW, 65 amps, 220 volts
seven "Y" connection, or 21 rows of elements in all.
coil length is 46 inches. Rod diameter is 25 mm.
What is the best wire diameter should I use? The maximum temp is only 1800 F. Need the coil to last ten...