PEinch (or others), two questions:
1)How are the double channels connected to each other prior to installation? Are they connected with welded steel plates? How is the spacing of these determined?
2)I can see how a HP soldier pile can be weakened by a thru hole. How can I calculate the...
Thank you for the reply.To follow up on this, I have several additional questions:
Are the holes thru the web of the piles typically manufactured on site or are they prefabricated?
If the thru holes are drilled on site, when in the process of construction of the soldier pile wall are they...
When is it that walers are required for soldier pile walls? I've seen both with and without and did not quite understand why. I can see why a waler would be needed if the anchor is drilled in between the H-piles (through lagging) and the load has to be transmitted to the H-piles by the waler...
I conducted a "basic modeling" type analysis using LPILE4 in order to determine depth of embedment and deflections. The piles are 24 feet long, with a 15 feet embedment into 3 feet of medium dense sand and the remaining 12 feet in very stiff clays.
The structural engineer now has returned...
PVC waterstops are going to used along with an expansion board/joint sealant system in the other expansion joints along the wall.
PVC water stops are definitely an option but maybe a good quality, flexible expansion board/joint sealant system can cut it for the wall cap/wall connection.
Sounds like an option definitely but I would not use it by itself in the concrete joint.
I think it would be very effective if placed over the backer rod and expansion board as the first layer of defense against moisture.
Problem is the bentonite seals are for non-moving joints therefore do not allow for much flexibility. Also they are not as resistant to chemicals, oil, etc.
Wall cap is cast-in place and will connect with wall on one side and the other end with an exposed rock face.
37ed that would be good info to have. Feel free to get back to me at anytime. You might want to check out a product called Ceramar by W.R. Meadows.
There is already a drainage system designed for the area behind the wall but we want to ensure that no water will get in there in the first place. I was thinking of placing a rubber or flexible foam expansion board in the joint between the wall cap and wall with a backer rod and then a 1/2"...
Here is the situation, due to the project requirements I need an expansion board that is flexible and excellent as a water seal. The board would be used for an expansion joint between a concrete wall and a wall cap in order to prevent water from infiltrating behind the wall and freezing and...
Here is the situation, due to the project requirements I need an expansion board that is flexible and excellent as a water seal. The board would be used for an expansion joint between a concrete wall and a wall cap in order to prevent water from infiltrating behind the wall and freezing and...
What is the difference between a construction joint and an expansion joint?
I've done some search on the web but have found limited info on their definitions.
Thanks in advance.
This might be a dumb question but here I go. I'm not a structural engineer and have very little experience with steel.
Does a Grade 150 steel threadbar mean that it has a 150 KSI ultimate stress?