There are really 3 heat transfer sections in a steam reboiler:
1. steam desuperheating
2. steam condensing
3. condensate subcooling
To calulate the steam flow rate you need, the heat supplied by the steam will be:
delta H steam = Fsteam x [Cp steam x (Tsteam-Tsat) + latent heat + Cp water x...
Keep a bottle or two of nitrogen around as a backup plan. If you pull nearly full vacuum on a vessel not designed for it you'll likely be very, very sorry. If you're taking shortcuts you're probably going to get burned. Maybe not the first time, but down the road after you've gained a false...
The transmitter only puts out a signal proportional to the delta P across the orifice plate. The delta P is converted to a gas volumetric flow in the DCS (normal, standard or actual) based on an orifice plate design calibration. In the flow correction equation you provided, the square root of...
To clear up some misconceptions, the main reason bulk gas from the absorber ends up in the regenerator/stripper is due to physical entrapment in the solvent. Amine solutions are notoriously foamy and gas pockets in the foamy liquid of at the bottom of the absorber will carry under to the...
Why not put a bypass line around the pump. You can inventory the discharge pipeline without running the pump. You may even be able to get the lower flow you want without running the pump. You should be able to figure this out from the design conditions for the pipeline and pump.
You probably have gotten the plant up and running by now but I'll offer my advice anyway.
This is a pretty basic ChE calc. Calculate the partial pressure of steam at each pressure and steam to gas ratio. Then, look up the equilibrium temperature of water at each partial pressure. That'll be...