Thanks guys. I learnt quite a bit form your suggestions. The reason why we flash it to the atm. is that we want to get rid of the salts and what not in the flashing water. The atm. flashing should not be changed. Right now i'm working on to see if we could connect the vent to a packing/tray...
hey guys i've a sizable amount of steam coming out of the atmospheric flash drums and its thought that recovering the steam might be profitable. Aside from passing the steam through a heat exchanger... any other options? The heat exchanger isn't an attractive option is because of its impact on...
i'm not looking for a particular pump suggestion really, we already have quotes of the pumps of choice. the temperature npsha etc is the same for all three of the pumps.
the suggested centrifugal replacement for the current centrifugal is typically the same except for the minimum npshr...
I'm having a problem deciding on whether to keep the current centrifugal pump (which periodcally pumps nothing for unknown reasons, a guess is the excessive piping headloss, which is why we're moving the pump location to the bottom of the viscuos liq. column) or to replace it with a pump with...