Well it isn't quite that simple, because like I mentioned before each louver has a depth, in another words it's not a flat surface we're painting. Therefore it's hard to determine how much square footage does one gallon of paint cover. We paint the louver assembled.
Up to now we've been getting the perimeter on each component then we multiply it by the lenght and that's how we get our sq ft. The issue is I that I can't determine how much paint would we need to paint the product, and this is becuase it's not a flat surface we're painting.
There are different types of louvers (rainscreen,drainables,non drainables,formed metal louvers, air conditioning, thinline & door louvers) as I mentioned before there are different types of louvers each with different depths. I need the square foot measurement to lower down our paint inventory...
I'm needing to determine the square foot coverage on our product, wich are LOuvers. I can't just determine by square foot because each louver has a depth.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.