Maybe somewhere here knows how I can make AutoCAD generate a line to represent a conduit or pipe on a floorplan between two device symbos. The line must be drawn from one place to the next without going through walls or such.
I have heard there is software that can do this.. Maybe someone here...
I have a need to create Icons on a tool palette other than what is coming into the palette by default. Help...
The issue is this, I have several blocks that contain attributes and all are saved as a dwg file that I can insert as a block through the tool pallette menus I've built.
When I saved...
It is a success !!!
I now have a macro button to extract all attribute data to a file from AutoCAD ... AND ... I have a Macro Button in Excel to import the data from the file I created at the specified location.
Thanks for the file path Info ..
PS: Does anyone have a good website for...
I'll try the forward slash instead , but I thought that the path would then be that of an Internet format or something instead of a normal file path. but like you guys said, it seems to be a coding thing more than traditional pathing.
I plan to export the attribute data to this...
The easiest solution : Get Adobe Illustrator 10 (it's cheap these days)...
You can open the PDF in Illustrator then "Export" it out as a DXF or DWG.. IT will create vector geometry to the accuracy it existed as in PDF form.. It's great for converting a PDF provided by someone elese using...
C^Cfiledia 0 -attext C C:\DSE\DEVICE-SCHEDULE.TXT y filedia 1
This is basically what I am trying to achieve:
fieldia 0 first to allow me command prompt entry of the paths.
then -attext and C for comma delimited...
then a space to accept the template file path (which has been good to me...
Hi to All..
I am trying to create a macro button that will export attribute data to a common output file all the time with a path that I preset in the button (This is because my Excel macro is looking for this exported data in one file in a certain folder).
The problem I am having is that the...
I am new to here and just started using NX3 for the first time since V18.. I'm slowly coming up to speed on my own and see the differences in NX3. But today I have come across an interesting problem.
If I draw lines using the "lines and arcs" toolbox, they will not go into sketcher when using...