In AWWA D103, Sec. 14.3 Seismic Design Loads
H = distance from bottom of shell to MOL in feet (m)
What does MOL mean?
From comparison with API 650 I think it is the maximum water water level, so Max Operating Level perhaps?
I am puzzled by this. P1 and P2 are referred to as pressure components but the units are kN/m height.
How is PT converted to hoop tension?
Referring to AWWA D103 it would appear that this is the hoop tension and hence the stress will be PT/t .
If this is so then it should read;
P1 =...
Here's my solution using normal functions. No macro required.
My approach is to first divide it into bite size pieces, so I deal with each level separately and combine those into the final result. It's easier to debug this way. I have used two columns to find the text for Level1. You can go back...
Without knowing more about the source I would suggest pasting as unformatted text.
Ooo eee ooo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang
Ooo eee ooo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang
"How can i Ensure that the weld meets the required mechanical strength and ductility criteria"
Now that's a different question. The mechanical properties should be on the data sheet for the wire you have in stock.
Ooo eee ooo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang
Ooo eee ooo ah ah ting tang...
I agree with those who suggest using slip critical bolts throughout.
For galvanized steel the coefficient of friction should be taken as 0.175, half that of bare steel 0.35.
Ooo eee ooo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang
Ooo eee ooo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang
Even if BHP was producing 300+ at the time you don't know when that particular piece of steel was made, It could have been G250 in stock.
Assume it's grade 250 and move on.
Ooo eee ooo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang
Ooo eee ooo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang
AS 2870—2011, Australian Standard®, Residential slabs and footings
Section 2 Site Classification.
A shrink swell test of site soils is required.
Ooo eee ooo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang
Ooo eee ooo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang
Are you using Tekla? Have you tied Tekla User Assistance?
Usual practice, supported by long experience, is for the connection to be made in the rafter.
As a structural engineer I say the detailing is a disaster. Can you discuss this with an experienced structural engineer?
Ooo eee ooo ah ah...
First I'd ask where you are and what type of soil you have? If you are on an expansive soil some cracking would be expected.
Hairline cracks <0.1 mm Negligible
Fine cracks that do not need repair <1 mm Very slight...
I believe pickling is only required in the heat affected zone of welds. If you want code references please specify what country you're from.
Ooo eee ooo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang
Ooo eee ooo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang
"The wall has no signs of cracking."
If I'm reading the drawing correctly the wall runs at right angles to the beam, so no surprise.
Ooo eee ooo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang
Ooo eee ooo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang
BAretired,? Bachelor of Arts?
Most FEA structural programs have some method of doing what you want using gap elements or compression only elements. What program are you using?
Ooo eee ooo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang
Ooo eee ooo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang