Hi, McGuire!
'just got your quick response, and wanted to thank you again. I agree completely with your comments! I have almost always found suppliers willing to provide material information. So I was not only apalled by W.M. Berg's total inability, or reluctance, to provide such information...
Thanks, again, McGuire!
'sorry for the delay in responding. I appreciate the additional information that you provided. Having worked in a stainless steel mill, you must have acquired a lot of valuable knowledge concerning these alloys.
I can appreciate the complexities in the relationships...
Thanks, mcguire!
I realize that there is a lot of variability in the Syt values, even if one is able to characterize the material more fully -- say, as "Half-hard 303SS 1/4" rod stock", or even with a measured hardness value -- and that the only thing close to a "sure...
'am looking for Yield Strength data for 303 SS at Room Temp. The catalog for the 6.00mm shafting stock lists the Hardness at RB75 to RB95 for the DIN 1.4305 material. The Yield Strength is probably in the range of 35-45 ksi, but I would like to get more specific data, say Syt vs Hardness --...