Thank you JLSeagull, That starts me on the right path. I think that the set-up you are suggesting is a manual valve on one treater inlet and a control valve, I/P, controller and flow transmitter on the other treater inlet. Correct?
sshep, the mixed phase will consist of a 70% water and 30% oil...
I am planning of spltiing the flow of oil,water,gas into two heater treaters and am looking for the best way to accurately control and quantify the split flow. Any suggestions?
I have read about the advantages in their literature but I am looking for problems such as installing the pipe or reliability of the compression fittings or other problems that people have encountered in using the product. While it fits our application, I have not checked on the availabiltiy and...
Does anyone have any experience in running fiberspar linePipe. If so, please advise me on the disadvantages of using the pipe during construction and while in operation. Thank you
I am in the process of pressure testing an HDPE pipeline that currently contains water and i'm sure a certain amount of air. Is it imperative that I expel the air first? and why. How will it effect my test if air is left in the line. Thank you
asking for some help please. I am looking for the equation for determining the incremental liquid level volume in a horizontal vessel with hemispherical heads. Thank you