Hi 666,
I have exactly the same problem as you described. Instead of a plate, I am modeling a column with contact interfact between RC column and footing. The column was pre-tensioned in Step 1 and subjected to ground acceleration in Step 2 of the analysis.
In Step 2, I have the same...
Hi friends and colleagues,
I am modeling RC columns on a foundation beam in ABAQUS using solid elements (C3D8R). Reinforcing steels were modeled using truss element (T3D2) as embedded elements. An unconfined concrete stress-strain curve was imposed on concrete cover element where f'c = 35MPa...
I suggested that you look at an ABAQUS/Standard Example Manual where you will find a "Dam" problem. This example would provide some insight of how to model concrete structure in ABAQUS.
Good Luck.