I'm writing a class here and inside one of the callbacks I want to have access to the class object itself (what I know as 'this' from other programming languages).
Is there a way to do this?
Thank you.
saveas saves the figure and not individual axes. It is my understanding that it is impossible to save individual axes. I was very frustrated about that myself since I needed to do it myself a while back. My solution was to open a new figure (even not a visible one, this doesn't matter), to plot...
Passing the parameter around won't be easy because it needs to be used from various functions that are called as button press callbacks. However, you gave me something to think about. I'll see how this can be adjusted. You're right that this will be the best way to do it.
Thank you.
I'm writing a rather large mass of code here with many many functions all need to use a struct filled with data.
What is the best way to access this struct from all the functions?
- As a Global variable.
- As a getappdata/setappdata to be attached to some main object.
- As the figure's...