Here is a pdf if the sleve has to be attached...see if i am on the right track.
So if I understand you correctly I can turn down my bolt to about .188" ,cut off the extra threads on the bolt,and slide on some heatshrink and then slide on a steel sleve. Or does the sleve need to be capped at one end?
Hey they do allow exe files! After you run the file you will be looking at it from the end. Just rotate it around with your mouse. Zoom is the scroll wheel or use the commands on top if you dont have a wheel mouse.
There is a picture of a 3D model on this site
You have to click on the little words "click here to download" in the center of the page surrounded by a bunch of advertising. I have a .5" Dia head X .5"long press fit to...
I was assuming that the outer shell had to be steel.What should it be? Can the end of the magnet(bolt head)be a press fit or does it have to be made out of the same piece of steel. Also I am finding that surface area is more important than strength. A pemanent magnet at the end of a scriber with...
Tried a thread on shell last night...scraped the windings putting it on...oops. I used #26 wire. Since it was junk I tried without the shell. It was weaker than my one with #30 wire...then I tried it with only one battery and it was stronger???...But the wires got hot in a hurry.Not what I...
To get more strength can I just go longer,as I have already reached my maximum Diameter? No, I dont have an outer shell return path. To make it fit I would need to put less turns. Would this be better? Also can the return path outer shell be threaded on instead of trying to wrap the wire inside...
I am cycling this operation every 10 seconds for sometimes an hour at a I need somthing easier. I have made one with roughly the same magnetism as my permanent magnet from a 1/4" bolt and #30 magnet wire with about 5 layers and about 1.25 long. I was wondering how I could get a little...
Yes, I have been using a permanent magnet for 18 years now. I just have gotten fed up with trying to get sharp metal slivers off the magnet without getting one in my hand. Sometimes we bang off the chips, but it does not work very well. Many times I am conitously cleaning out a slot that I am...
I am a total newbie to electromagnets. I am a Machinist and need a way of cleaning metal chips out of T-slots on machines. I could not find a tool to buy (I did find one listed from Spap-on but it has been droped for some time). So I am trying to build one. I would like to use 2 AA bateries (pen...