Can anyone help me in attaching a .ecw file format to a .dwg file format.
I am working on AutoCAD 2005. I have an aerial picture of an area with the buildings which is a .ECW file format,and i need to attach that to the autocad which is a .DWG file format and draw the top view of all the...
I need to save the autocad drawing as a pdf file in a cd.
An executive gave me a cd having the autocad drawing of some buildings and told me to save these drawing on a cd as a pdf file.How can I save the drawing as a .pdf file.
How do you attch an aerial view that is saved as an ECW file onto the autocad which is a .dwg format.
I am currently drawing a line plan for the aerial view of a building and then i need to overlap autocad onto the aerial view(a GIS file saved as an .ECW file format) such that when i...
i wanna make changes to the drawing after i transfer the layers onto the other file.How can i do it as after i transfer the layer it automatically becomes a block and i need to explode the block so that i can make changes to the drawing after transferiing it to the other can i do it?
Can anyone tell me how do u transfer layers of one file onto other file and if we transfer it becomes a block and so then after transfer how do we explode the block.As we cannot use explode since it is a xref file.So then how can we explode that block?